Monday, June 11, 2007


Today our YFC team leaves for Ovronnaz, Switzerland. It is about an hour and a half outside of Geneva up in the Alps. We are spending three days together to debrief the year. It is so weird to think that when I get back my time in Geneva will be short lived. I hate the fact that I am leaving SWITZERLAND....I am going to miss this place. There are many things I am excited to leave....but not the place!!!!

One thing that has been such a blessing to me the past several months has been a friendship with a girl named Anne-Lydie. She is from Canada and moved here to pursue her passion of sewing through a three year apprenticeship. Several months ago I found out that she would be going to India for an extended amount of time to work with local Christian organizations. She will go there to observe and learn from various experiences where sewing is used in vocational training to improve the lot of poor women's families and share Christ with them. She will also be listening to see how this will later be integrated with her future work and ministry.

This girl is simply amazing. She asked me to be on her accountability team, helping her prepare for her trip. It has been such a fun thing to be a part of!!! There are seven others involved. We have met several times to help Anne-Lydie prepare...ask her hard questions...pray for and with her...and eat great food together!!!!!!!!!

Last night we had our last meeting because everyone will be parting their own way as of this summer. We had a sweet time of prayer and enjoyed an authentic Indian meal! Above is a picture of Sam and I eating the meal! You eat it all with your hands...not even kidding! It was a fun night!

If you are interested in learning more about Anne-Lydie, her trip, or how you could even participate please contact me. You can check out her blog too! The address is She is currently studying for her last exams so she will not be updating for a bit....but keep watching!

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