Thursday, July 05, 2007

Picture updates

I have picture updates.

If you want to see an album of the time I spent with Jac click HERE.

If you want to see updates of my last 25 days in Switzerland click HERE.

My bags are packed and each weight 49.95 pounds:-) There are a few things left to pack but it looks like it is going to make it. Tomorrow I am spending the day in a cute little town in France. I will be with a local church that is in France. Their intern team is having a day away and they invited me. This is a chance for them to spend some time alone...away...with the Lord. It is convenient that it worked out this way for me. I am excited!

THEN....Friday morning I will be getting on a plane home. It isn't reality yet. Soon enough it will be!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

umm...i cant find the number you called me on. i wanted to call you yesterday but i didnt know what number to call. so are your old numbers no longer working now? call me whenver...i feel bad we barely got to talk when you called. love you!